_Title "Spinner" 'b+ 2021-06-18
Screen _NewImage(500, 500, 32)
Const rad = _Pi / 180

DECLARE Sub arc (xCenter, yCenter, arcRadius, dAStart, dAMeasure)

Color , &H000088
While 1
    b = b + 5
    For r = 20 To 200 Step 20 ' tsh73 suggested fix for inner most
        a = b * r / 20
        For i = r - 15 To r
            Color _RGB32(255 - r, 255 - .5 * r, 255)
            arc (250, 250, i, a, 180)

Sub arc (xCenter, yCenter, arcRadius, dAStart, dAMeasure)
    'you may want to adjust size and color for line drawing
    'using angle measures in degrees to match Just Basic ways with pie and piefilled
    'this sub assumes drawing in a CW direction if dAMeasure positive

    'for Just Basic angle 0 degrees is due East and angle increases clockwise towards South

    'dAStart is degrees to start Angle, due East is 0 degrees

    'dAMeasure is degrees added (Clockwise) to dAstart for end of arc

    rAngleStart = rad * dAStart
    rAngleEnd = rad * dAMeasure + rAngleStart
    Stepper = rad / (.1 * arcRadius) 'fixed
    lastX = xCenter + arcRadius * Cos(rAngleStart)
    lastY = yCenter + arcRadius * Sin(rAngleStart)
    PSet (lastX, lastY)
    For rAngle = rAngleStart + Stepper To rAngleEnd Step Stepper
        nextX = xCenter + arcRadius * Cos(rAngle)
        nextY = yCenter + arcRadius * Sin(rAngle)
        Line -(nextX, nextY) 'int speeds things up
End Sub