' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2024.]) on 2024.07.17 at 02:21 (Coordinated Universal Time) ' Program by Charlie Veniot to demonstrate the "aspect" argument of the CIRCLE statement ' The aspect says "the radius of the circle at 100% vertical is the aspect-value * the radius of the circle at 100% horizontal ' Note: In screen mode 7, pixel height is 1.2 times pixel width SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( 1440, 200, 7 ) print "HELLO" CIRCLE ( 120, 100 ), 90, 14 CIRCLE ( 320, 100 ), 90, 14, , , 0.1 FOR i# = 0.000 TO 0.8 STEP 0.1 CIRCLE ( 520, 100 ), 90, 14, , , i# sleep 0.05 NEXT i# FOR i# = 0.7 TO 1.3 STEP 0.1 CIRCLE (720, 100), 90, 14, , , i# SLEEP 0.05 NEXT i# FOR i# = 1 TO 2 STEP 0.1 CIRCLE ( 920, 100 ), 90, 14, , , i# SLEEP 0.05 NEXT i# s# = 0.1 FOR i# = 0 TO 190 STEP s# CIRCLE ( 1120, 100 ), 90, 14, , , i# IF i# > 9 THEN LET s# = 1 SLEEP 0.001 NEXT i# CIRCLE ( 1320, 100 ), 90, 14, , , 5