' based on a QBJS program by Vince
' http://basic4all.epizy.com/index.php?topic=206.msg2187#new
Dim as double sw, sh, r, rr0, sx, sy, mw, mx, my, mb, rr, valid, old_mx, old_my, old_mw
sw = 1280
sh = 768
Dim pi As Double
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
Dim As Double t, a, b, a1, a2
Dim As Double x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1, dx, dy
r = 210
rr0 = 140
sx = 0
sy = sh / 2
Screen _NewImage(sw, sh, 14)
_sndwave "square"
getmouse nmx, nmy, nmw2, nmb
if nmb = 1 THEN goto waitfornomousebutton
'Do While _MouseInput
'mw = mw + _MouseWheel
'If _KeyDown(87) or _KeyDown(119) then 'W
' mw = mw - 1
'ElseIf _KeyDown(83) or _KeyDown(115) then 'S
' mw = mw + 1
'End If
this_inkey$ = ucase$(inkey$)
If this_inkey$ = "W" then 'W
mw = mw - 1
ElseIf this_inkey$ = "S" then 'S
mw = mw + 1
End If
' mx = _MouseX
' my = _MouseY
' mb = _MouseButton(1)
getmouse mx, my, mw2, mb
rr = rr0 - mw
If mb Then
Do While mb
'Do While _MouseInput
'mb = _MouseButton(1)
getmouse mx, my, mw, mb
valid = -1
For b = 0 To 2 * pi Step 2 * pi / 3
x1 = r * Cos(b) + sw / 2
y1 = r * Sin(b) + sh / 2
dx = mx - x1
dy = my - y1
If dx * dx + dy * dy < rr * rr Then
valid = 0
goto exitforB
End If
If valid Then
sx = mx
sy = my
End If
End If
'if mx<>old_mx or my<>old_my or mw<>old_mw then
'fading light
If 1 Then
'line (0,0)-(sw,sh), _rgb(0,0,0), bf
'Line (0, 0)-(sw, sh), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF
Line (0, 0)-(sw, sh), &h000000, BF
'locate 1,1
'? mx, my, mw, mb
For b = 0 To 2 * pi Step 2 * pi / 3
Circle (r * Cos(b) + sw / 2, r * Sin(b) + sh / 2), rr, &hffffff
Circle (r * Cos(b) + sw / 2, r * Sin(b) + sh / 2), rr-1, &hffffff
a = _Atan2(my - sy, mx - sx)
x0 = sx
y0 = sy
For t = 0 To 1000
x = t * Cos(a) + x0
y = t * Sin(a) + y0
For b = 0 To 2 * pi Step 2 * pi / 3
If x >= 0 And x < sw And y >= 0 And y < sh Then
x1 = r * Cos(b) + sw / 2
y1 = r * Sin(b) + sh / 2
dx = x - x1
dy = y - y1
If dx * dx + dy * dy < rr * rr Then
a1 = _Atan2(dy, dx)
a2 = 2 * a1 - a - pi
'Line (x0, y0)-(x, y), _RGB(233, 205, 89)
Line (x0, y0)-(x, y), &hdfcd59
sound 13, 0.00125
x0 = x
y0 = y
a = a2
t = 0
goto exitforA
End If
End If
'Line (x0, y0)-(x, y), _RGB(233, 205, 89)
Line (x0, y0)-(x, y), &hdfcd59
End If
old_mx = mx
old_my = my
old_mw = mw
'_Limit 50
_delay 1/50
Loop Until _KeyHit = 27