' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2024.]) on 2024.07.10 at 23:16 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' This program by Charlie Veniot
' Reversed-engineered from input (DATA statements) and output results
'   shared by Arnold Kramer in the "BASIC Programming Language" Facebook group
'   (https://www.facebook.com/100010170272577/videos/1386155248741283/)
' Enhanced to demonstrate looping, animation, colour randomness

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( 640, 960, 17 )

  FOR i% = 1 TO 26 STEP 5
    COLOR INT( RND * 64 ) + 1
      READ x%,y%
      IF x% <> -99 _
          LOCATE ( y% + 2 * i% ), ( x% + 10 )
          PRINT CHR$(219);
          SLEEP 0.001
          GOTO 🟢ProcessDataPoint
      END IF
  NEXT i%
GOTO 🔁DrawCycle


Data 11,1,10,0,9,0,8,0,7,0,6,0,5,1,4,1,3,2,2,2,1,3,0,4,0,5,1,6,2,7
Data 3,7,4,7,5,7,6,7,7,6,8,6,9,6,10,6,11,5,12,5,13,5,14,4,15,3,16,3
Data 17,2,18,1,18,0,17,0,16,0,15,1,14,2,13,3,12,4,12,5,12,6,13,7
Data 14,7,15,7,16,6,17,6,18,5,19,4,20,4,21,3,22,3,23,3,24,4,23,3
Data 22,3,21,3,20,4,19,4,18,5,19,6,20,7,21,7,22,7,23,6,24,5,25,4
Data 26,3,25,4,24,5,23,6,24,7,25,7,26,7,27,6,28,6,29,6,30,5,31,5
Data 32,4,33,4,34,3,35,4,36,5,35,6,34,7,33,7,32,7,33,7,34,7,35,7
Data 36,7,37,6,38,6,39,6,40,5,41,5,42,4,43,4,44,3,45,4,46,5,45,6
Data 44,7,43,7,42,7,43,7,44,7,45,7,46,7,47,6,48,6,49,5,50,4,51,3
Data 50,4,49,5,48,6,49,7,50,7,51,6,52,6,53,5,54,5,55,4,56,3,57,3
Data 58,3,59,4,58,3,57,3,56,3,55,4,54,5,54,6,55,7,56,7,57,7,52,1
Data -99,-99