' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2024.05.21 at 02:21 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' This port and mod by Charlie Veniot
' of a program by Filho Junior
' Modified lines preceded by the commented out original lines
' New lines added without line number

' 100     DIM rr(320)
100     DIM rr(0 TO 320) : dim cc(0 TO 4)
' 110     SCREEN 8: COLOR 3, 0
110     SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(400,160,0): COLOR 3, 0
FOR i = 0 TO 4 :  cc(i) = INT(RND(15) * 14 + 1) : NEXT i
120     FOR i = 0 TO 320: rr(i) = 193: NEXT i
130     xp = 144: xr = 4.7123: xf = xr / xp
140     FOR zi = 64 TO -64 STEP -1
150     zt = zi * 2.25: zs = zt * zt
' 160     xl = INT(SQR(20736 - zs) + .5): COLOR INT(RND(15) * 15)
160     xl = INT(SQR(20736 - zs) + .5): COLOR cc(INT(RND*5))
170     xx = zi + 160: zy = 90 + zi
180     FOR xi = 0 TO xl
190     xt = SQR(xi * xi + zs) * xf
200     yy = (SIN(xt) + SIN(xt * 3) * .4) * 56
210     x1 = INT(xi + zx): y1 = INT(zy + yy)
220     IF rr(x1) > y1 THEN rr(x1) = y1: PSET (x1 + 200, y1 + 30)
230     x1 = zx - xi
240     IF rr(x1 + 300) > y1 THEN rr(x1 + 300) = y1: PSET (x1 + 200, y1 + 30)
' 250     NEXT xi: NEXT zi
250     NEXT xi: SLEEP 0.025 : NEXT zi