' Conversion of a TRS-80 game of the same name
' This BASIC Anywhere Machine program by johnno56

screen 0

Declare SUB trs(var)

'	Give the colours a name...
black = 0
dkBlue = 1
dkGreen = 2
dkCyan = 3
dkRed = 4
Purple = 5
Brown = 6
Grey = 7
dkGrey = 8
Blue = 9
Green = 10
Cyan = 11
Red = 12
Magenta = 13
Yellow = 14
White = 15
frame = Grey

'	Convert TRS80 "print@" to "locate"
sub trs (var)
    Locate var \ 64 + 1, var Mod 64 + 1
end sub

sub centre(txt$,row,colr)
	locate row, (80 - len(txt$)) / 2
	color colr: Print txt$
end sub

sub header()
	centre(" GGG  RRR    OO    AA   N  N", 1, Green)
	centre("G     R  R  O  O  A  A  NN N", 2, Green)
	centre("G  G  RRR   O  O  AAAA  N NN", 3, Green)
	centre(" GGG  R  R   OO   A  A  N  N", 4, Green)
end sub

?:color Cyan
?"We will take turns rolling a set of dice until a set score is reached.         "
?: color Yellow
?"Each time we roll we will be given a choice to either continue rolling or to   "
?"pass to the next player. Passing adds and saves the current series score."
?: color Cyan
?"There is one small wrinkle... "
?: color Yellow
?"If a '1' is rolled by either dice then the score for that series is lost.      "
?"If a pair of ones are rolled then ALL of the accumulated score is lost and that"
?"player must start again from zero."
?:color cyan
?"By the way... A '1' will de displayed as a 'sad' or 'frowning' face...
?: color Yellow
?"Why is the game called GROAN? Wait until a pair of ones are rolled..."
?:color Green
input "                       Press ENTER to play... ";AA

REM   CC$ = "="  BB$ = "|" or ":"  II$ = "_"  MM$ = "-"  UU$ = ";"  NN$ = " "

100 ' GROAN
120 Randomize Timer
140 BB$ = CHR$(186): CC$ = "O": LL$ = "_": MM$ = "-"
150 UU$ = ";": NN$ = " ": 
160 D1$ = BB$ + String$(7, "-") + BB$: D2$ = BB$ + String$(7, 32) + BB$
170 D3$ = BB$ + String$(7, "-") + BB$: E1$ = String$(4, 32) + LL$ + MM$ + LL$ + String$(4, 32)
180 E2$ = NN$ + LL$ + MM$ + UU$ + NN$ + NN$ + NN$ + UU$ + MM$ + LL$ + NN$: E3$ = UU$ + MM$ + LL$ + String$(5, 32) + LL$ + MM$ + UU$
185 E4$ = NN$ + NN$ + NN$ + UU$ + MM$ + LL$ + MM$ + UU$ + NN$ + NN$ + NN$
'190 F1$ = BB$ + String$(40, "-") + BB$: F2$ = BB$ + String$(40, "-") + BB$: F3$ = BB$ + String$(40, "-") + BB$
F1$ = chr$(201) + String$(40, chr$(205)) + chr$(187)
F2$ = chr$(204) + String$(40, chr$(205)) + chr$(185)
F3$ = chr$(200) + String$(40, chr$(205)) + chr$(188)
'?"F1$ = "; F1$
'?"F2$ = "; F2$
'?"F3$ = "; F3$
200 Cls: header() ' locate ,25:print"G R O A N"
210 centre("HOW MUCH NEEDED TO WIN", 9, Yellow)
220 color Brown: print: Input "                          (BETWEEN 50-100 IS BEST) "; W: If W <= 0 Then GoTo 200
230 cls: header(): centre("LET'S TOSS FOR FIRST ROLL", 9, white): GoSub 830
240 centre("THE COIN IS IN THE AIR AND", 11, white)
250 QQ$ = "YOU": Q = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1: If Q = 2 Then QQ$ = "I"
260 locate ,35: color Green: For J = 1 To 5: Print ". ";: GoSub 830: Next
270 centre(QQ$ + " GET FIRST ROLL", 14, Blue): GoSub 840: T = 0: If Q = 2 Then GoTo 400
300 PP$ = " YOU": Cls: locate ,25: color Cyan: print"YOU'RE ROLLING": GoSub 830: GoSub 500
310 T = T + R1 + R2: If F > 0 Then T = 0
320 If F = 2 Then H = 0
330 GoSub 850: If F > 0 Then color Yellow: Print "DICE PASS TO ME": GoSub 840: GoTo 400
340 color Yellow: Print "(P=PASS DICE - R=ROLL AGAIN)": color Green: Print "YOUR DECISION (P OR R) ?"
350 QQ$ = InKey$: QQ$ = UCase$(QQ$): If QQ$ = "" Then GoTo 350
360 If QQ$ = "R" Then GoTo 300
370 If QQ$ <> "P" Then GoTo 350
380 Print: H = H + T: If H >= W Then GoTo 970
390 T = 0: F = 1: Cls: GoTo 330
400 T = 0: PP$ = "I"
410 Cls: locate ,26: color Red: print"I'M ROLLING": GoSub 830: GoSub 500
420 T = T + R1 + R2: If F > 0 Then T = 0
430 If F = 2 Then P = 0
440 GoSub 850: If F > 0 Then Print "DICE PASS TO YOU": GoSub 840: T = 0: GoTo 300
450 GoSub 1000: If X = 1 Then Print "I'LL ROLL AGAIN": GoSub 840: GoTo 410
460 Print "I'LL STOP WITH THIS": GoSub 840: P = P + T: If P >= W Then GoTo 970
470 Print: Print "DICE PASS TO YOU": T = 0: GoSub 840: GoTo 300
500 D = 266: R1 = Int(Rnd * 6) + 1: R2 = Int(Rnd * 6) + 1: GoTo 540
530 C = D + K: GoSub 650: C = C + 384: GoSub 650: GoSub 600: Cls
535 GoSub 660: C = C - 384: GoSub 660: GoSub 600: Cls
540 C = D + 48: GoSub 650: C = C + 384: GoSub 650
550 C = D + 48: R = R1: GoSub 700
560 C = C + 384: R = R2: GoSub 700: F = 0: If R1 = 1 Then F = 1: GoSub 800
570 If R2 = 1 Then F = F + 1: GoSub 810
580 If F = 2 Then GoSub 820: GoSub 830
590 Return
600 For J = 1 To DL: Next: Return
649 Rem  Display the dice "frame"?
650 Return 'trs (C - 136): Print D1$: trs (C - 72): Print D2$: trs (C - 8): Print D3$: Return
660 'trs (C - 197): Print E1$: trs (C - 133): Print E2$: trs (C - 69): Print E3$
670 Return 'trs (C - 5): Print E4$: Return
700 On R GOSUB 710, 730, 740, 750, 760, 770: Return
710 color Magenta: trs (C - 134): Print CC$;: trs (C - 130): Print CC$;: trs (C - 68): Print "(";: trs (C - 6): Print "+";
720 For Q = 3 To 5: trs (C - Q): Print "=": Next: trs (C - 2): Print "+": Return
730 color Blue: trs (C - 134): Print CC$;: trs (C - 2): Print CC$;: Return
740 color Blue: trs (C - 68): Print "O";: GoSub 730: Return
750 color Blue: trs (C - 130): Print CC$;: trs (C - 6): Print CC$: GoSub 730: Return
760 GoSub 740: GoSub 750: Return
770 color Blue: trs (C - 70): Print "O";: trs (C - 66): Print "O";: GoSub 750: Return
800 trs (52): color White: Print "GROAN";: Return
810 trs (820): color White: Print "GROAN";: Return
820 trs (434): color Magenta: Print "-DISPAIR-";: Return
830 _Delay 1: Return
840 _Delay 2: Return
850 color frame:trs (64): Print F1$;
color White: G = 128: GoSub 960
trs (135): color Green: Print "- - S C O R E B O A R D - -";
860 color frame: trs (192): Print F2$;
862 G = 256: GoSub 960
864 trs (264): color Green: Print W; " POINTS NEEDED TO WIN";
870 trs (320): color frame: Print F2$;: G = 384: GoSub 960
880 trs (386): color Green: Print "   POINTS SCORED         YOU     ME";: G = 448: GoSub 960
890 trs (450): color Green: Print "BEFORE THIS SERIES";: trs (475): color Cyan: Print H;
900 trs (482): color Red: Print P;
902 trs (512): color frame: Print F2$;: G = 576: GoSub 960
910 trs (582): color Green: Print PP$; " HAVE ";
If PP$ = "I" Then 
	color Red
	color Cyan
end if
Print T;
color Green: Print " POINTS THIS SERIES";
920 trs (640): color frame: Print F3$;: trs (768): Print "";: Return
960 trs (G): color frame: Print CHR$(186);: trs (G + 41): Print CHR$(186);: Return
970 T = 0: Cls: GoSub 850: If P >= W Then trs (768): color Red: Print "SKILL WINS AGAIN"
980 If H >= W Then trs (768): color Cyan: Print "YOU WIN - IT WAS SHEER LUCK"
990 End
1000 V = P + T: If V >= W Then GoTo 1100
1010 If (W - H) < 10 Then GoTo 1110
1020 If P >= H Then L = T / 25: GoTo 1050
1030 If V < H Then L = T / 35: GoTo 1050
1040 L = T / 30
1050 If Rnd > L Then GoTo 1110
1100 X = 0: Return
1110 X = 1: Return