' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.10.21 at 17:18 (Coordinated Universal Time) ' This BAM port and mod by Charlie Veniot ' Based on TRS-80 program by Melkior Wiseman (see original code below this program) SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(400, 150, 7) : 10 CLS 20 A=INT(RND*_WIDTH/5):B=INT(RND*_HEIGHT/5):IF A=0 OR B=0 THEN 20 C = INT(RND*11)+5 30 FOR I=0 TO XMAX STEP A 40 FOR J=0 TO YMAX STEP B 50 IF POINT(I,J) > 0 THEN 80 60 PSET(I,J), C 70 GOTO 90 80 PRESET(I,J) 90 NEXT J 100 _DISPLAY : NEXT I SLEEP 0.25 120 GOTO 20 END ' 🟠🟠🟠BASIC program by Melkior Wiseman 🟠🟠🟠' This is a simple little decorative program for the TRS-80 model 1, although the same principles can be applied in any BASIC language which uses similar commands to handle graphics: '10 CLS '20 A=RND(6):B=RND(7):IF A=1 AND B=1 THEN 20 '30 FOR I=0 TO 63 STEP A '40 FOR J=0 TO 47 STEP B '50 IF POINT(I,J) = -1 THEN 80 '60 SET(I,J) '70 GOTO 90 '80 RESET(I,J) '90 NEXT J '100 NEXT I '110 FOR X=1 TO 500:NEXT X '120 GOTO 20