print "Here we go !"
_alert("This program demonstrates/tests the Popup Box functions:" + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + " (_ALERT, _CONFIRM, _PROMPT). \n\n This is an alert popup. ")
' ๐ we can add things like carriage returns the traditional way with chr$(13), or we can use the javascript escape code \n
print "now for prompt"
a$ = _prompt("This is a prompt dialog to get text input from a user. \n\n Enter your name:", "Anonymous?")
print "prompt done, now for confirm"
loop while NOT(_confirm("This is a confirm dialog. \n\n You entered " + a$ + " as your name. \n\n Okay to continue, Cancel to change your name." ))
for i = 1 to 10
print "Hello " + a$
next i