' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2024.]) on 2025.01.07 at 18:02 (Coordinated Universal Time) ' Program by Charlie Veniot ' Draw regular polygons with help from DRAW to generate the points SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( 201, 201,17 ) OPTION EXPLICIT DECLARE SUB 🎯SetPoint( BYVAL angle%, BYREF x%, BYREF y% ) VAR coordinate%, angle1%, angle2%, x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, aInc%, points% LET aInc% = 0 points% = 3 ▶DrawIteration: CLS CIRCLE ( 100,100 ), 99, 2 FOR coordinate% = 1 TO points% LET angle1% = ( coordinate% - 1 ) * 360 / points% + aInc% angle2% = angle1% + 360 / points% CALL 🎯SetPoint( angle1%, x1%, y1% ) CALL 🎯SetPoint( angle2%, x2%, y2% ) IF coordinate% = 1 THEN CIRCLE(x1%, y1%), 2, 63 LINE ( x1%, y1% ) TO ( x2%, y2% ), 62 NEXT coordinate% SLEEP 0.01 LET aInc% = aInc% + 1 IF aInc% = 360 THEN aInc% = 0 : points% = IFF( points% = 15, 3, points% + 1 ) GOTO ▶DrawIteration END '🟠🟠🟠 SUBROUTINES SUB 🎯SetPoint( BYVAL angle%, BYREF x%, BYREF y% ) PRESET(100,100) DRAW "TA" + STR$( angle% ) + " B U99" LET x% = POINT(0) y% = POINT(1) END SUB