' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2024.]) on 2025.03.15 at 21:43 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' This program by Charlie Veniot demonstrates a way to simulate Object-Oriented Programming methods
' with GOSUB statements. This is possible because BAM allows the use of expressions with GOSUB statements.
'  - Expressions must be within parentheses to be recognized as expressions.)
'  - Expressions that result in a string, the string will be treated as a line label
'  - Expressions that result in a number, the number will be treated as a line number
' NOTE: this currently only works in the "development" version of BAM found at https://bam-ide.tiddlyhost.com/
'       and will be released to "production" on a to-be-determined date.

' 🟠🟠🟠 Declarations

  CONST ShapeDrawSub$(1 TO 2) = { "A100_CircleSub", "A200_SquareSub" },  _
        maxShapes% = 570

  TYPE tThingy
       x% ' thingy's center coordinate on x axis
       y% ' thingy's center coordinate on y axis
       r% ' thingy's outermost point
       c% ' thingy's colour
       shape$ ' thingy's shape-drawing GOSUB routine constant

  DIM aThing( 1 TO maxShapes% ) AS tThingy

' 🟠🟠🟠 Main Program

  SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( 400, 400, 17 )

  FOR i% = 1 TO maxShapes%
      aThing(i%).x% = INT( RND * ( _WIDTH - 20 ) ) + 10
      aThing(i%).y% = INT( RND * ( _HEIGHT - 20 ) ) + 10
      aThing(i%).c% = INT( RND * 62 ) + 1
      aThing(i%).r% = INT( RND * 10 ) + 1
      aThing(i%).shape$ = ShapeDrawSub$( INT( RND * 2 ) + 1 )
  NEXT i%

  FOR i% = 1 TO maxShapes%
      IF LABELEXISTS( aThing(i%).shape$ ) THEN  GOSUB ( aThing(i%).shape$ )
  NEXT i%


' 🟠🟠🟠 Gosub Routines

       CIRCLE( aThing(i%).x%, aThing(i%).y% ), aThing(i%).r%, aThing(i%).c%

       DRAW "BM" + aThing(i%).x% + "," + aThing(i%).y%
       DRAW "BE" + aThing(i%).r%
       px1% = POINT( 0 ) : py1% = POINT( 1 )
       DRAW "BM" + aThing(i%).x% + "," + aThing(i%).y%
       DRAW "BF" + aThing(i%).r%
       px2% = POINT( 0 ) : py2% = POINT( 1 )
       DRAW "BM" + aThing(i%).x% + "," + aThing(i%).y%
       DRAW "BG" + aThing(i%).r%
       px3% = POINT( 0 ) : py3% = POINT( 1 )
       DRAW "BM" + aThing(i%).x% + "," + aThing(i%).y%
       DRAW "BH" + aThing(i%).r%
       px4% = POINT( 0 ) : py4% = POINT( 1 )
       COLOR aThing(i%).c%
       LINE ( px1%, py1% ) TO ( px2%, py2%) : LINE TO ( px3%, py3% ) : LINE TO ( px4%, py4% ) : LINE TO ( px1%, py1% )