' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.10.29 at 15:45 (Coordinated Universal Time) ' BASIC Anywhere Machine program by Charlie Veniot ' Implementation of the famous (C-64) pattern "10 PRINTCHR$(205.5+RND(1));:GOTO10" but with a column-wise, i.e. vertical structure. ' Primarily sticking to GW-BASIC compatible statements ' Exceptions: ' * _LETCHR$ (to define custom characters) ' * SCROLL (to scroll the screen, as per "The BASIC handbook : encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language (3rd Edition)" ) 050 SCREEN 7 150 _LETCHR$(205 , _ "X......." + _ ".X......" + _ "..X....." + _ "...X...." + _ "....X..." + _ ".....X.." + _ "......X." + _ ".......X") 151 _LETCHR$(206 , _ ".......X" + _ "......X." + _ ".....X.." + _ "....X..." + _ "...X...." + _ "..X....." + _ ".X......" + _ "X.......") 200 FOR X = 1 TO 40 210 FOR Y = 1 TO 25 220 IF NOT( X = 40 AND Y = 25 ) THEN LOCATE Y,X : PRINT CHR$( 205 + INT(RND*2) ); : SLEEP 0.01 230 NEXT Y 240 NEXT X 500 SCROLL -8, 0, 0 510 LOCATE 25,39 : PRINT CHR$( 205 + INT(RND*2) ); : SLEEP 0.01 520 FOR Y = 1 TO 24 530 LOCATE Y,40 : PRINT CHR$( 205 + INT(RND*2) ); : SLEEP 0.01 540 NEXT Y 550 GOTO 500