' This program port to BAM by Charlie Veniot ' Based on a program shared by Andy Johnson (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2057165187928233/permalink/3513502548961149/?mibextid=oMANbw) ' Other than the noted additions to handle mouse/touch, the program was left as-is. ' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.11.13 at 22:19 (Coordinated Universal Time) 10 CLS 20 DIM PI!,SR%,RA!,SC%,ST! 30 ST!=.08 35 REM Row, Column, Radius, Pi 40 SR%=12:SC%=1:RA!=10:PI=3.14159 50 LOCATE SR%,SC%:PRINT STRING$(79,"-") 55 REM Loop from -PI to PI, compute the Coordinate using RADIUS*SIN 56 REM then add it to the row number ... negative will subract 57 REM positive will add 60 FOR A=-1*PI TO PI STEP ST! 70 SR%=12+(RA!*SIN(A)) 75 REM Increase the row and column and check for bounds 80 IF SR%>0 AND SR%<23 THEN LOCATE SR%,SC%: PRINT "+" 90 SC%=SC%+1 100 IF SC%>79 THEN GOTO 130 110 NEXT A 120 IF SC%<79 THEN GOTO 60 130 LOCATE 23,1:PRINT"(Q)uit, Phase (U)p/(D)own" 140 LOCATE 22,1:PRINT ST!;" ";ST!*180/PI;" DEGREES" 150 B$=INKEY$ 160 IF B$="U" THEN ST!=ST!+.01:CLS:GOTO 40 170 IF B$="D" THEN ST!=ST!-.01:CLS:GOTO 40 180 IF B$="Q" THEN GOTO 200 181 REM 🟠Charlie added lines 182 to 186 182 IF _MOUSEBUTTON THEN WHILE _MOUSEBUTTON : WEND : GOTO 184 183 GOTO 190 184 IF _MOUSEZONE(0,22*8,48,8) THEN GOTO 200 185 IF _MOUSEZONE(112,22*8,32,8) THEN ST!=ST!+.01 : CLS : GOTO 40 186 IF _MOUSEZONE(152,22*8,48,8) THEN ST!=ST!-.01 : CLS : GOTO 40 190 GOTO 150 200 CLS:END