' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2024.05.26 at 18:59 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' Program by Charlie Veniot
' Using DRAW statements for no-fuss-no-muss generation of two-colour "twisted squircles" (i.e. squares with rounded corners).

mid% = 1020
ma% = 200
l% = 400
ma% = l%/2
DIM c%(1 TO 2)

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( mid% * 2 + 1, mid% * 2 + 1, 17 )
COLOR 0,63 : CLS

  i% = 0
  GOSUB 🎨100_SetRandomColours
  FOR a# = 0 TO 420 STEP 0.05
    DRAW "B M " + (mid%-ma%) + "," + (mid%+ma%)
    DRAW "B TA" + a# + "u" + 800
    DRAW "TA0"
    COLOR c%(1)
    IF BETWEEN(a#,280,420) THEN DRAW "B U" + l% ELSE DRAW "U" + l%
    COLOR c%(2)
    DRAW "R" + l%
    COLOR c%(1)
    DRAW "D" + l%
    COLOR c%(2)
    IF BETWEEN(a#,360,420) THEN DRAW "B U" + l% ELSE DRAW "L" + l%
    i% = i% + 1 : IF i% MOD 25 = 0 THEN SLEEP 0.001
  NEXT a#

  c%(1) = INT( RND * 63 )
  c%(2) = INT( RND * 63 )
  WHILE c%(2) = c%(1): c%(2) = INT( RND * 63 ) : WEND