' ****** START INCLUDE Rgba Core:::RgbaBox(x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c&, a%b) ******
DIM r0%, g0%, b0%, a0%, r1%, g1%, b1%, a1%

SUB SetRgb0(x%,y%)
    DIM c$
    c$ = RIGHT$("000000" + HEX$(POINT(x%,y%)), 6)
    r0% = VAL("0x" + LEFT$(c$,2))
    g0% = VAL("0x" + MID$(c$,3,2))
    b0% = VAL("0x" + RIGHT$(c$,2))

SUB SetRgb1(c&,a%b)
    DIM c$
    c$ = RIGHT$("000000" + HEX$(c&), 6)
    r1% = VAL("0x" + LEFT$(c$,2))
    g1% = VAL("0x" + MID$(c$,3,2))
    b1% = VAL("0x" + RIGHT$(c$,2))
    a0% = 255 - a%b
    a1% = a%b

SUB RgbaCorePset(x%,y%)
    PSET(x%,y%), _RGB( [{ (r0%*a0%)+(r1%*a1%) }/255], [{ (g0%*a0%)+(g1%*a1%) }/255], [{ (b0%*a0%)+(b1%*a1%) }/255] )

Sub RgbaBox (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c&, a%b)
    xd% = ABS(x2% - x1%)
    yd% = ABS(y2% - y1%)
    SetRgb1(c&, a%b)
    IF xd% = 0 THEN
        FOR i = MIN(y1%,y2%) to MAX(y1%,y2%): SetRgb0(x1%,i) : RgbaCorePset(x1%,i) : NEXT i
    ELSEIF yd% = 0 THEN
        FOR i = MIN(y1%,y2%) to MAX(y1%,y2%): SetRgb0(x1%,i) : RgbaCorePset(x1%,i) : NEXT i
        FOR x% = MIN(x1%,x2%) to MAX(x1%,x2%)
          FOR y%  = MIN(y1%,y2%) to MAX(y1%,y2%)
            SetRgb0(x%,y%) : RgbaCorePset(x%,y%)
          NEXT y%
        NEXT x%
    END IF    
End Sub
'  ****** END INCLUDE Rgba Core:::RgbaBox(x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c&, a%b) ******
' A QB64 program found at https://qb64.com/samples/rockets/
' BAM port by Charlie Veniot
' created with the development version of BAM
' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2023.]) on 2023.09.12 at 04:43 (Coordinated Universal Time)
'Option Explicit
'Option ExplicitArray

DefLng A-Z

Type vector
    x As Single
    y As Single
End Type

Type Particle
    pos As vector
    vel As vector
    fade As Single
    active As Byte
    b As Single
End Type

Type rocket
    x As Single
    y As Single
    xs As Single
    ys As Single
    dead As Byte
End Type

Const MaxExplosion = 60

UpperBoundRockets = 5
Dim rockets(5) As rocket
UpperBoundParticles = UpperBoundRockets * MaxExplosion * 100
Dim particles(UpperBoundParticles) As Particle
Dim As Long i, n, v, k

Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(400, 200, 32)
' FullScreen SquarePixels , Smooth

For i = 1 To UpperBoundParticles
    particles(i).vel.x = Rnd * 2
    particles(i).vel.y = Rnd * 2
    particles(i).fade = Rnd * 3 + 1
    particles(i).b = 255
    If Rnd * 2 > 1 Then particles(i).vel.x = -particles(i).vel.x
    If Rnd * 2 > 1 Then particles(i).vel.y = -particles(i).vel.y

For i = 1 To UpperBoundRockets
    rockets(i).y = _Height
    rockets(i).x = Rnd * _Width
    rockets(i).dead = -1
    rockets(i).xs = Rnd * 4
    rockets(i).ys = Rnd * 4


' Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 50), BF
 CALL RgbaBox(0, 0, _Width-1, _Height-1, _RGB(0, 0, 0), 50)

    For i = 1 To UpperBoundRockets
        If rockets(i).dead Then

            rockets(i).dead = 0
            rockets(i).x = Rnd * _Width
            rockets(i).y = _Height
            rockets(i).xs = Rnd * 4
            rockets(i).ys = Rnd * 4
            n = 0
            bExitWhile = FALSE
            While n < MaxExplosion AND bExitWhile = FALSE
                v = v + 1
                If v > UpperBoundParticles Then
                    v = 0: bExitWhile = TRUE
                ElseIf Not particles(v).active Then
                   particles(v).pos.x = rockets(i).x: particles(v).pos.y = rockets(i).y: particles(v).active = -1: n = n + 1
                end if
            rockets(i).x = rockets(i).x + rockets(i).xs
            rockets(i).y = rockets(i).y - rockets(i).ys
            rockets(i).ys = rockets(i).ys + .1
            rockets(i).xs = rockets(i).xs - .05
            PSet (rockets(i).x, rockets(i).y)
            If rockets(i).y < 0 Then rockets(i).dead = -1: k = k + 1
        End If
    For i = 1 To UpperBoundParticles
        If particles(i).active Then
            PSet (particles(i).pos.x, particles(i).pos.y), _RGB(particles(i).b, particles(i).b, 0)
            particles(i).pos.x = particles(i).pos.x + particles(i).vel.x
            particles(i).pos.y = particles(i).pos.y + particles(i).vel.y
            particles(i).vel.y = particles(i).vel.y + .05
            If particles(i).b > 0 Then particles(i).b = particles(i).b - particles(i).fade
        End If
        If particles(i).b < 0 Then
            particles(i).active = 0
            particles(i).vel.x = Rnd * 2
            particles(i).vel.y = Rnd * 2
            particles(i).b = 255
            If Rnd * 2 > 1 Then particles(i).vel.x = -particles(i).vel.x
            If Rnd * 2 > 1 Then particles(i).vel.y = -particles(i).vel.y
        End If
